Row-dents and their nasty chewing habits

steinbru at steinbru at
Sat Nov 16 20:13:53 EST 2002

Ref:  Your note of Sat, 16 Nov 2002 17:36:49 -0500 (attached)

I hate cats Bob.  Besides, the coyotes (which apparently don't eat mice),
would soon get them if left out late enough to get the row-dents.

Actually, I am looking for something that won't need to be baited or fed.

----------------------------- Note follows ------------------------------
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 17:36:49 -0500
To: steinbru at fshvmdc
From: Robert Myers <robert at>
Subject: Re: Row-dents and their nasty chewing habits

Get a cat, Gary.

At 04:37 PM 11/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:

>Anybody have a good way to discourage mice and other chewing critters
>from invading the underhood area?  Stongly discourage!

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