asking for recommendations: what to replace the factory shocks with

Sean Ford audi_99_a6q at
Thu Nov 21 14:27:04 EST 2002

I was very happy with my Bilsteins, right up until the point where I planted the nose of my 100CS
into the boot of a Mercury Sable. Go Bilstein.

BTW, I paid ~$125 per shock for the Bilsteins.

PS - Andrew is certifiable. ;-)

--- Douglas Frank <frank at> wrote:
> Hello all
> Car is a '98 A4tqms and with 75K miles, the shocks are getting long in
> the tooth.  What should I replace them with (front & rear)?  I'm not
> interested in new springs or coilovers, the regular sport suspension
> lowers it enough already for my needs.
> Andrew Duane thinks I need a set of Boge Progas, but hey:
>    (a) Boge don't make them things no more, Gomer
>    (b) I think Andrew's nuts.  Hell, his DOG thinks he's nuts.

Sean Ford
1999 A6q tiptronic | 1992 100CS 5-spd

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