Was: Snap-on, Now: Snap-off (NAC)

tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Wed Nov 27 11:13:20 EST 2002

That's the (stiff) reply, below is my letter to them:

>Dear Tihol:
      Thank you for your Email. We are always interested in feedback from
our customers and do use this information when reviewing our marketing
strategies. In January 2000 we increased our warranty period from 90 days
to one year on Torque Wrenches. At that time we believed that this was a
positive move and that it was in line with what the market place wanted.
Torque wrenches are not simple hand tools, but are in fact precision
measuring instruments. As such all torque wrenches do require routine
maintenance to remain within calibration. Torque wrenches are subject to
wear through normal use and are often used in inappropriate manors that
will damage them.  All limited warranties cover defects in material and
workmanship only. Warranty does not cover abnormal wear, misuse, accidental
damage or lack of maintenance. We choose to state our warranty period and
stand behind
it. If you read the warranty that comes with competitive products you will
find a lot of red tape. In most cases you will find that the "lifetime"
warranty printed on the outside of the box only applies to "home use". The
warranty period is actually 90 days in commercial or professional
applications. The list of things not covered can also be quite extensive.
This type of marketing strategy is deceptive and it is not how we want to
represent our product.  I think that you will find that Snap-on product is
far superior to our competitors. Snap-on torque wrenches will remain within
calibration for much longer periods of time and have a much longer over all
service life as well. Our products do cost more but you do get more.
      I hope that I have addressed your concerns satisfactorily and thank
you for your input.


Frank Plust
National Repair Manager
Snap-on Tools of Canada

Topic: General Snap-on questions, comments
Name: Tihol Tiholov
Email_Address: tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Comment: Dear Sirs,
I suggest you consider revisions of your guarantee policy, i.e. including
torque wrenches among the life-time guaranteed tools.  If Husky or even
Canadian Tire can do it, maybe you also could.  The market for highly
priced products with limited factory back-up is constantly shrinking.
Another issue is repair time and cost - a tool repair, taking 5 weeks and
cositng more than a new tool from the competition is hardly attractive to
most customers.  Traditional custom base, royal attitude and skillful
advertising could not save even Rolls Royce from falling into
Hoping to hear good news soon.

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