The results (WAS: Differential Pressure Regulator Checking

ben swann benswann at
Thu Nov 28 23:28:20 EST 2002


Just to make sure you aren't getting to far off track by doing fuel
pressure checks and the like - Have you verified the thermo-sender is
operating correctly/in spec. ???

I ask this, because the problem as you describe can be caused by this,
and I recently dealt with exactly the same.

I have also done fuel pressure tests many times in the past, and they
usually end up being a wild goose chase, and the culprit is far more

Take a step back and review where you are before tearing things apart,
breaking open fuel fittings, and complicated or unecessary tests.  I
have never had to do this on a CIS-E car, only a CIS car with warmup
regulator.  The diff. pressure reg. is far easier to deal with.  Send
the right signal to the ECU (thermo-sender) and DPR should be
controlled properly if it is not all gummed up, which I think you have
resolved, as the car starts and runs for awhile, then shuts down.
Tells me thermo-switch is out of spec. or defective wiring.  try
wiggling the damn thing while the car is acting up, and see what

Happy Thanksgiving!


[the air plate will get harder to move as the engine warms, its just a
> question of how much is too much.
>     Remember that system pressure as such has *No bearing* on the air
> movement.

>  Plumb a two legged gauge into the feed to the warm up reg

I hate to interrupt an interesting and learned discussion of CIS, but do
you realize that the car in question *does not* use a warm up
regulator?  Which is no big deal except that this poor guy is gonna look
for his and try to figure out what he is missing.

Does anyone know how to set up to measure control pressure on plain
vanilla, normally aspirated, CIS-E (a/k/a KE-Jetronic)?

Huw Powell]

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