MAP sensors again...

Ameer Antar antar at
Wed Oct 2 14:07:53 EDT 2002

For amps or interfaces, try and check w/:
That's if you want to do it your self, but, I think it would be too much
hassle, esp. if you want to compensate the circuit, and have good noise
rejection. I think the best option is to get the all in one package. And I
bet the amplified type is compensated, it just doesn't say cuz it's a given
w/ all the circuitry in there. I'm not  100%, but I think I've seen these
before. Best place to check is Digikey. Their catalog lists many
categories. The best and most accurate ones are the beefy metal ones, but
are expensive. Also 30psi abs. is only a 2-bar sensor, so the signal would
cut out at 15.3 psi of boost. (30psi - 14.7psi air pressure). That's pretty
good, unless you wanted to step over to 16+ psi boost. I think digikey also
had a 50psi version for those apps. good luck.


At 12:11 PM 10/2/2002, you wrote:

>To: quattro at
>From: Gerard <gerard at>
>Subject: MAP sensors again...
>Reply-To: gerard at
>Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 09:41:58 +0200
>I asked last week about boost sensors up to 3 bar or 30PSIA for less
>than $50. Well, before I go any further, I'd like to know who has
>electronics savvy on the list?
>Reason I ask is that I want to know how difficult it'd be to make
>a voltage amplifier for an output signal from a MAP sensor. The sensor
>I am interested in does 0.5mV to 4.5mV and ofcourse most aftermarket
>ECUs require something like a 4.5V or 5V input signal proportional
>to boost levels.
>Question is how much would stuff like this cost to build? Say it
>takes a 12V input, regulates to 5V for the transducer, which outputs
>to 0.5mV-4.5mV and then this gets amplified to a 4.5V-5V max output.
>Any ideas what sort of components would be needed?
>By the way, I have found a 0-30PSIA (absolute pressure) transducer
>for $28 in a 8-pin package (3 used, 5 for mounting), but it needs
>a voltage input regulator (4.75V-5.25V) and output amplifier (single
>packages would be nice). They have a signal conditioned unit with
>outputs 0.25V-4.5V and it costs $47.70, but I don't think it is temperature
>compensated, whereas the $28 unit is.
>Any ideas welcomed. Thanks. :)

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