Car's still broken !!!

Mike Roberts mike_m_roberts at
Thu Oct 3 23:29:55 EDT 2002

Thanks for everyone's suggestions.  I ordered a new intake boot from
Dad's in Sacramento, and fitted it this afternoon.  I made sure
everything fitted right and was tightened properly.  Unfortunately IT

I made sure the crank-case bleeder hose (?goes from the RHS of the
bottom of the block to the bottom of the intake boot?) was tight,
carbon cannister is re-fitted, and everything.

It does the same thing as before - starts, then dies within about a
second or less.

I cleaned the air flow sensor (the big plate in the cone) - is it
possible I knocked that out of whack ?

General consensus is that it's a vacuum leak, but to kill my car this
totally, it seems liek it would need to be a big one !! Any tips on how
to find it ?  Would it be a bad idea to pressurise the boot - say from
the carbon cannister hole ?


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