Michelin X-One

George Harris harchris at smokesignal.net
Sat Oct 5 13:57:10 EDT 2002

Hi Fay:

I live in Ontario and have been putting Michelin X-One's on my front
wheel drive Jetta for years now. I think they are the best compromise.
The reasons I bought them are exactly the same as yours. I drive mostly
on paved well traveled roads and when it rains or snows I need the
traction. The X-One's have great wet traction and are good in snow. They
are good on dry roads as well, and the real kicker is that they last
forever! Every time I check they have added 10 km to the life
expectancy. My last set of fronts lasted 130,000 Kms (80,000 mi).

No other manufacturer advertises long mileage and wet traction. In fact
they say it can't be done. I guess they haven't driven a set of X-One's.


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