Need PS pump suggestions '91 2CTQW

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Oct 7 09:51:09 EDT 2002

At 04:26 AM 10/07/2002 -0500, Martin Pot wrote:

>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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>Today my PS pump blew a seal and there went all my expensive green gold. I
>wondered what my best choice is for a replacement pump, since there are
>several options.
>Blau has the  reman (ZF). O.E. or reman Blau for a little cheaper. Both
>pumps have 1 year warranty but 3 years for $40 extra, which doesn't sound
>very comforting. Autozone says they can get me a PS pump for a '91 2CQ but
>not specified turbo, for quite a bit cheaper, but with lifetime warranty.
>I am just kind of indecisive which route to go, I do like cheaper but my
>priority is better, even if it costs more. Thanks Guys.

All the pumps for '87 models onward have the same performance specification
and all the varying brackets are designed to fit the same holes in the
pump.  In other words, the pump I've replaced in a V8, which has a totally
different bracket for attaching to the engine, is identical to the ones
I've replaced in a 200q20v and a 5ktq.  If you've got time and are going to
do the replacement yourself, why not just reseal the pump you've got?  The
Bentley for the 200q20v has the most thorough description of the resealing
process I've seen.  The seal kits are about $25.


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