Need PS pump suggestions '91 2CTQW

Wallace White wallace at
Tue Oct 8 09:24:28 EDT 2002

Kneale Brownson wrote:
> At 04:26 AM 10/07/2002 -0500, Martin Pot wrote:
>>Today my PS pump blew a seal and there went all my expensive green gold. I
>>wondered what my best choice is for a replacement pump, since there are
>>several options.
> All the pumps for '87 models onward have the same performance specification
> and all the varying brackets are designed to fit the same holes in the
> pump.  In other words, the pump I've replaced in a V8, which has a totally
> different bracket for attaching to the engine, is identical to the ones
> I've replaced in a 200q20v and a 5ktq.  If you've got time and are going to
> do the replacement yourself, why not just reseal the pump you've got?  The
> Bentley for the 200q20v has the most thorough description of the resealing
> process I've seen.  The seal kits are about $25.

Personally, I didn't have success with the reseal kit; mine still leaked
between the halves. It was fun to see the inside of the pump, though. :)

Junkyards can be great here. Many junked cars have rebuilt pumps, and
the ZF rebuilds are marked with the date. Last year I found a recent
rebuild ('96?) for $30 that solved my leaks. I haven't added Pentosin since!

- Wallace
   '87 5kcstq 191k

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