Need DriveShaft Help PLEASE

Konstantin Bogach konstantin.bogach at
Tue Oct 8 10:38:42 EDT 2002

The only thing I can imagine you did not drop center support first and there is no clearance to separate CV from tranny flange.  There is nothing that can hold it.


> Working on 1993 urS4.  Transmission to rear diff shaft is almost out.  The =
> CV joint directly behind the transmission will not separate.  Have taken al=
> l the bolts out, tapped with hammer (maybe even a little harder then conven=
> tional wisdom would allow) and tried to tap into it with a chisel to split =
> the joint as well.  Any help?? I am stuck here till I can get this thing ap=
> art.  Boy do I hate working in the dark, on gravel, outside in New England =
> during the fall.
> Please respond ASAP with any helpful hints..
> thanks so much
> Hank

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