Alternative to the Fumoto oil drain valve...

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Oct 8 11:45:45 EDT 2002

Well, Gerard, just to give you an idea of how good a job Fram did on this
POS, look at the applications guide for Audi.  It says one size fits ALL
5-cylinder models.  Tell that to all the 20-valvers.  I'll bet the "dust
cover" welds itself in place anywhere salty roads occur.

At 03:41 PM 10/08/2002 +0200, Gerard wrote:

>I suppose alot of you probably know about this one, but here goes
>While looking around for air temp sensor for my planned LinkPlus
>ECU I wound up at and found a easy oil drain
>plug for $13.95. Look here:
>Looks good to me. Any BTDT on this?

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