Looking for A4 Avant 1.8t comments

Sean Ford audi_92_100cs at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 8 13:01:48 EDT 2002

It appears that I *might* be in the market for a new-to-me car and I
have my eye on the '99 - '00 A4 Avant. I like the idea of an A4 Avant
with the 1.8t engine, 5-speed manual tranny, with the sport and cold
packages, and a sunroof.

I'm interested in hearing from current owners concerning their likes
and dislikes of the car. I do have 2 small children, 3 and 6 years old,
so I'm a bit concerned with the rear seat room; I'm 6'4" and will tend
to have the drivers seat fairly far back. Also, headroom, any problems
with a sunroof?

Any issues with the engine pulling around nearly 3500 lbs? Has anyone
chipped this engine to 180hp or higher, and if so, were there any
unforseen issues afterward the upgrade?

How useable is the rear? Is it worth going for the Avant to increase
cargo space, or is the sedan's trunk plenty large?

*Any* comments welcome. This list has always been the one to provide
USEFUL information, as opposed to certain BBS's concerned with the
latest bling-bling accessories.

Oh, and the reason for my search... http://community.webshots.com/user/audi_92_100cs

Sean Ford
'92 Audi 100CS | '01 Triumph Daytona 955i | '89 Suzuki Katana 600

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