Stumped is better than stomped, I guess

Richard J Lebens rick-l at
Thu Oct 10 13:31:39 EDT 2002

disconnect the alternator???   Shorted diode??

--- Robert Myers <robert at> wrote:
> Hi Y'all,
> Here I am again with YAQ (yet another question).  For about a week
> the
> battery (new just this past summer) has been going down overnight.
> Down
> enough so that after jump starting the car I've had to re-enter the
> radio
> code.  The charging system is fine.  After starting it puts out a
> solid 14
> volts as indicated by the dash gauge.  A charger attached overnight
> still
> shows about 2-3 amps going into the battery in the morning.  This
> suggests
> to me that something is drawing in the vicinity of 2-3 amps or a
> little
> more while everything is (supposedly) turned off.
> This morning I finally had enough time to start some troubleshooting.
>  I
> opened the relay box and felt for warmth from a possible stuck relay
> or the
> like.  Nothing was noticeably warmer than anything else.  Then I
> disconnected the battery cable and inserted an "ammeter" (a wired
> brake
> light) in series.  A good current was indicated the light lit up
> fairly
> brightly - perhaps half brightness.  With the light in view I pulled
> each
> fuse in turn from the fuse panel inside the driver's door.  No
> variation of
> brightness was observed.  As a test, the bulb brightened noticeably
> when I
> switched the radio on which indicated that I should have been able to
> detect a significant decrease in current if the right fuse was
> pulled.
> I'm satisfied that none of the circuits fused at this location is
> drawing
> sufficient current to cause the battery to go down overnight.  Am I
> overlooking some other fuses which are not at this location?  Any
> other
> suggestions?
> Bob
> *****
>   Robert L. Myers   304-574-2372
>   Rt. 4, Box 57,  Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA   WV tag Q SHIP
>   '95 urS6  Cashmere Grey - der Wunderwagen    ICQ 22170244
> *****

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