Front end parts & Alignment concern . . .
Mike Arman
armanmik at
Fri Oct 11 09:29:17 EDT 2002
>Message: 14
>Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 01:35:28 -0400
>To: quattro at
>From: "Ice Cat ^. .^ ~" <iceisit at>
>Subject: Front end parts & Alignment concern . . .
>I cannot quite put my finger on what doesn't feel right about the
>front end. It just seems to need fussing when I drive. I like to
>drive with a soft hand and wrist and rarely have to adjust the wheel
>on normal roads, or so it seems.
>When I first bought this car, I told my husband something didn't seem
>right about the front end. Took it to two people and both said it
>was fine. As over a year went buy the tires wore down and sort of
>"grew into" whatever was wrong and I started to second guess myself
>and just dropped the matter since no one could find what I was
>talking about.
>*Now* that I have new tires and new alignment, those same symptoms
>have reappeared--about the only description I can seem to think of it
>that is sort of "wanders." It is very subtle, but no other Audi I
>have ever had or driven feels like this. It just feels a little
>scary, subtle, but I have to pay way more attention that I have ever
>had to do before.
>Does this description ring any bells with anyone?
Ding ding ding ding ding!
It does with me . . .
Had the same problem with my car - the front end felt "nervous", like it
wasn't really sure which way it wanted to go, but it didn't want to go
straight. And yes, it was uncomfortable and unsettling. And subtle.
First stop was the *best* alignment shop in the area - been in business
since 1950 or something, same family, and they ARE good.
Found a bent lower control arm on the right side - not bent much, but
definitely bent. Can't align to that, so go away and fix it.
Changed control arm, went back.
Took photocopies of the alignment specs AND instructions from the Haynes
book back with me - went down into the pit with the tech (who at first was
NOT pleased to see me there) and pointed out the various quirks - like the
standard equipment frozen tie-rod ends - and yes, one of those was bad,
too, so go away and fix THAT, too.
Third trip, back in the pit with the tech (who has by now given up on
chasing me away), and everything can be loosened and adjusted. Tech
casually comments "Oh, and camber isn't adjustable on these cars . . ." to
which I reply - non-confrontationally!!!! - "Yes, you can, just loosen
these three bolts and you can move the top of the strut around!"
Light goes on in tech's brain, and I wonder (not aloud) how many Audi's
have gone out of there - the *best* alignment shop in town - with the
camber incorrectly adjusted because they didn't know it COULD be adjusted!
Anyway, after the toe-in (toe rods) and camber (strut tops) have been
adjusted to specifications, all the "nervousness" is GONE and the car
tracks, steers and drives PERFECTLY. This was four years ago, and it STILL
tracks, steers and drives perfectly, so it is worth being persistent and
picky about getting it done right.
Best Regards,
Mike Arman
86 5Ks
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