re. Clutch - master? and slave?

Ben Swann bswann at
Fri Oct 11 11:14:33 EDT 2002

I fixed this several years ago by replacing both master and slave.  Now the
problem is back, pretty much as you describe.  I'd be interested in knowing
what the most probable culprit is, as 1) the Master is more expensive and
2) the slave is a PITA to replace.  I plan to do both when I do the Project
GTQ engine swap, but I have the problem creeping into the new beater.

I did power bleed/purge the entire brake system including clutch slave
cylinder - no old fluid in the brake system!  That helped a little, but as
Britt describes, you park the car with pedal up and come back and the pedal
is buried in the floor.  Is it possible I still have some air in the
system?  I ask because there was no positive way to bleed the master, or at
least did not do it repetitively at the time.

I have the master and slave on order from Rod at - good


[My Audi 1988 5000 TQ had the clutch petal stay on the floor today.
The clutch wont disengage. (woo hoo i was close to home)
When you pull the the petal up it will stay up, but if you tap it a little
it will go on its own all the way to the floor.
So with 4 audis I've never have a master/slave clutch problem before.
Which one is it?
Should i just do both?
Best (cheapest) place to get the parts.

Britt Crowell]

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