Lexan Body of S1 Sport quattro - Christmas Present?

Martin Pajak martin at quattro.ca
Sat Oct 12 01:33:06 EDT 2002

Please e-mail michael at quattro.ca for more info.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Hopton [mailto:Michael at siliconoptix.com]
Sent: October 11, 2002 14:04
To: Martin at quattro.ca
Subject: Lexan Body of S1 Sport quattro - Christmas Present?

Could you post my email below to the main audifans list.

I recently bought a 1:10 lexan body of an S1 Sport quattro. The body
fit a number of Tamiya and HPI mechanicals, including some of their 4wd

Pictures of the model are available at:-


Assuming there is some interest I am contemplating organizing a group
of the body from Japan for fellow quattro enthusiasts. I "estimate" that
the cost will be
under $50 US shipped to your door - Note, you will need to buy the
chassis and
transmitter on top of this.  BTW, I don't intend to make any money from

Please send me an email indicating your level of interest as either,
Definite or

More to follow.....

Cheers, Mike Hopton

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