E-Brake Cable Adjust on 5KCSTQ?

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Tue Oct 15 08:52:08 EDT 2002

Well, soak the adjuster with penetrating oil, several times. If you
can, work a wire brush on a dremel tool in there and get as much of the
rust off as possible. Then use a deep socket on an extension, and
possibly a swivel socket to loosen it. I wasn't quite this careful, and
had the joy of replacing that little threaded rod. Turns out not to be
so easy. Good luck.
On Tuesday, October 15, 2002, at 05:29  AM, Louis A. Mulieri wrote:

> Hi,
> 	I installed new rotors and pads on my 88 5000 CS TQ and now my
> E-Brake lever will only pull up 1 click. When it's off there is barely
> enough cable slack at the wheels to avoid drag. Bently says there
> should
> be just barely hand-turnable rear wheels with lever at click 3. Their
> adjust instructions show luxurious access to the adjustment nut on the
> lever rod. BUT my reality is that it looks like the driveshaft was not
> present in their picture. Are there some tricks you guys know to get at
> the adjustment nut, mine is a bit rusty to boot? Thanks for any
> suggestions of special tools etc.
> Lou

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