Type 44 oil pressure light

Helge Wunderlich helgeww at start.no
Tue Oct 15 23:04:51 EDT 2002

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 10:18:05 +0200, Eyvind Spangen wrote:

>The oil pressure warning light in my '86 100 (no autocheck, probably
>same system as the 4k) is lit most of the time, but no buzzer can be
>heard. Sometimes it gets dimmer and disappears for a while. The oil is
>full and up to the max. line on the dipstick. I know the engine has
>got oil pressure, so this is an electrical problem. Anyone know
>anything about what causes this? It is lit both at idle and when

It is very likely one (or both) of your oil pressure sensors are
toast. I have replaced two, and the dealer had several in stock, even
for my '84. The parts guy said they replaced quite a few of them.

A couple of weeks ago (29. Sep.), I posted a description of how to
troubleshoot the sensors. It is in a thread called "Oil Warning Lamp
at 2k rpm's".

Helge Wunderlich

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