I-5 oil pump

Ragnampiza at aol.com Ragnampiza at aol.com
Thu Oct 17 13:51:21 EDT 2002

In a message dated 10/17/02 3:36:38 AM, bswann at worldnet.att.net writes:

<< I concluded that there is
very little that can go wrong with these pumps.  The physical damage to
mine was just that - engine had been dropped and landed on the pump
housing.  Other than that, by design, you can tell that even a very worn
impeller is going to pump due to the positive displacement type of pump -
hard to explain here, but there is probably a name for it. >>

If youv'e ever replaced lifters on higher milage I-5 motors (along with
proper oil filter of course)....then eliminated the vacuum rod (on 4kq)  as
the source of noise..
then it is quite likely this oilpump is an area of concern if noise
persists...unless you know the complete oil change history ...It may be a
good Idea to check it...especially on a brand new build.......also check for
clear oil passages...

You never know if that motor has been run low on oil,unless you are the
original owner....was told this by an audi trained tech....apparently oil
pumps can go bad on some of the northern cars with heavily rusted pans that

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