Back in the Audi Circles!

Brett Dikeman brett at
Mon Oct 21 01:30:31 EDT 2002

At 7:40 PM -0700 10/20/02, David Thoresen wrote:
>Issue #1 during cruising at around 60-70 mph the car seems to surge and
>subside ever so slightly
>Issue #2 Car accelerates greatly to 7000 rpm in 1st gear no problem, 2nd
>no problem, but in 3rd the car hesitates at about 4000 rpm, but then
>continues to a good acceleration at 4500-5000 rpm and has the same
>problem in gear 4 and 5...
>Issue #3 when cold the engine idles quite well, but when warm it idles a
>little rough.

O2 sensor is either very old, broken, or disconnected.  Pull the
signal connector(single pin) while the engine is warmed up and
idling, and measure the voltage.  Should be fluctuating, under 1v.
Also double-check that it is getting power to the heater circuit-
disconnect the two-pin cable and look for 12v.

The warm idling problem and slight surging are the hints- both can be
caused by O2 sensor problems.

Not sure about #2.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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