Have a laugh at my expense (CGT electrical silliness)

qshipaz at juno.com qshipaz at juno.com
Tue Oct 22 18:06:44 EDT 2002

Greetings Audinauts!

Having recently returned from two weeks in FL, it's prime "garage time" sea=
son in Phoenix. 60 degrees at night... lovely! So we trooped out to the gar=
age to investigate the clutch pedal weirdness on the roomie's '86 CGT. Hole=
s in the linkage elongated- little Dremel time made this more bearable unti=
l we find a new part. Suitably emboldened, we elected to install speakers i=
n the gaping holes in the rear deck. Pulled the backseat, rocker panel inte=
rior trim, etc., to run new wires as the factory harness in this beast is c=
hopped up. Once assembled, the speakers sounded nice... but the car wouldn'=
t start! D*mn! It's midnight and people gotta get to work the next morning!=
 I saw the remains of  an Alpine alarm hidden under the dash above the clut=
ch pedal. Thought maybe I jostled it back to life and that it had cut power=
 to the FP- geeez, this will take forever to trace... start multimetering a=
round, check fuses, swap the relay... 12+volts everywhere but at the pump i=
tself. So it's not the alarm... what the heck did I *do* here?

Here's the chuckle part: I had pulled the back seat bottom to run wires, an=
d my steel-toed Georgia boots had tromped on and disconnected the power wir=
e to the FP. Click! Vrooom!

I've been putting in stereos for 12 years, never killed a car while doing a=
n install. Thought I'd angered the Audi gods good this time...


'86 5ktq (mobile but not legal yet)
'86 CGT (new tunes)

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