Say it is so (front pads and rotors on 95 90 sport q)

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Oct 22 19:00:56 EDT 2002

Yes, it's just that easy.  If you're going to bleed
them anyway (I KNOW you are) just crack the bleed
valves and you can push the pistons in with your hand.
 Obviously, check the caliper seal for burning,
cracks, tears, leaking, etc.  Also check the slide
pins and boots.  Kits are real cheap insurance.  They
should slide easily, but not wobble loosely.  Also
clean and lube the sliding surfaces of the caliper and
mount.  The 2 bolts holding the mount are REALLY tight
sometimes.  Just a little warning.  Hope yours are
O.K.  Lastly, you should be able to shop that combo
for about $130.-140.  Check The Parts Connection.
Another thing I just thought of.  Check your brake
lines.  Sometimes the rubber starts to crack or swell,
especially around the fittings.  On my 200 the OEM Ate
lines cost me less than $10. each.  I bought all four
and changed the front two, but had the left right rear
blow before I got around to changing it.  NOT cool.

Good Luck
Jim Accordino

--- John Stanton <jjs3rd at> wrote:
> All,
> It's time again for this simple marketing guy to put
> on the Audi mechanics
> coveralls.  This time its front brakes (pads &
> rotors).  I tackled the back
> ones a couple months ago, getting caliper back in
> was a little tricky.  I
> ended up having to disconnect the caliper and bleed
> of course.  Bentley's
> says you just press the front ones in and they
> didn't recommend an expensive
> Audi tool.  This sounds way too easy.  Any been
> there done that's I need to
> know?  Bentley also didn't reference rotor removal
> but I believe I just need
> to unbolt caliper looks like two bolts.  Using the
> proverbial coat hanger
> caliper support or course.
> Thanks all next stop struts all around but may bite
> the bullet and go to
> shop its getting cold out.
> P.S. Blau has the ATE rotors and PBR pads (same as
> on rear) for $205 looks
> like a good price comments welcome.

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