Way, way OT-cleaning carbon contacts on keypads?
Brett Dikeman
brett at cloud9.net
Thu Oct 24 13:12:44 EDT 2002
At 11:39 AM -0400 10/24/02, Roa, Greg wrote:
>Hello all,
>Seriously off topic here, but I don't know of another good forum to
>ask this in.
>I have a few remotes, and a cordless phone that need the carbon
>contacts on the touchpads cleaned. The buttons don't work well, ect.
>Anyone know what to use to clean these with, without destroying them?
If the "carbon contact" is on the membrane, its conductive
rubber...anything mild will work fine.
If the carbon contact is on the circuit board, gently dab/wipe
something like alcohol...don't rub hard. A little will probably come
Caig makes a moving contact cleaner/lube(CaiLube MCl), but it is more
for sliders, plasticized carbon volume controls, etc...sliding
things. It may still work great on the buttons though.
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