quattro digest

Glenn.Corbett at molson.com Glenn.Corbett at molson.com
Sun Oct 27 00:34:36 EDT 2002

Shawn wrote:

"Just trying to decide which I should save up for.  I like the look of the
corrado but want the dependability of the 90.Anyone have experience with the
corrado?  Pros/ Cons of both?"

Well both are very nice and reliable vehicles, all things considered.First
the Audi 90 88'-92' were fairly reliable vehicles with the 5cyl/manual, the
auto has been known to have some issues with pinion seals leaking
prematurely. The electrics/HVAC/suspension have no glaring issues.

The Corrado should be considered looking at separate models,G60(4cyl)&
SLC(VR6). The G60 is a capable motor if maintained & loved, and the
G-lader(supercharger unit) will need refurbishing at approxi 50-60 mile
area, as the seals begin to lose their integrity. Everything else is good.
The VR6, 6 cyl is an amazing motor! I had a B3 VR6 which I enlarged to 3.1L
from 2.8L, and never had any large issues surface. The VR6 in the Corrado is
known to 'eat' headgaskets early, compared to other models with same motor,
as the airflow around/through the engine bay is very,very limited which
leads to heat enduced failures.The master cylinder on the VR6 models is a
hydraulic unit, that requires a electrical pump to supply pressure, which
dies prematurely around 80-120 mile mark.

Do u need the carrying capacity of the 90? I would choose the 90, hands
down, as there are factory speed tricks and swaps that can be accomphished,
costing thousands less!!!

Just my $0.02.


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