Audi oil or something else?

David Templeton davidt at
Sat Oct 26 22:27:47 EDT 2002

Sorry forgot to mention I am in southern Ontario Canada. The price is


-----Original Message-----
From: Toycraft Motorsports <toycraft at>
To: quattro at <quattro at>
Sent: Sat Oct 26 19:54:10 2002
Subject: Re: Audi oil or something else?

> Hi all,
> In the oil resevoir for the steering and the brake boost the manual calls
> for Audi oil, you know the really expensive stuff at $14-15 a half litre!
> It there a substitute that can be used that is much more economical?
> Thanks in advance
> David Templeton
> '85 Audi 5000s wagon

David, don't know where you are located?.. and any others on the price of
Pentosin.   David is suggesting it costs $14 to $15 for a half
litre.............are you sure it isn't a litre for that price?   The reason
I ask,  my price at my parts supplier in Tucson, Arizona is $ 12  for a
litre of Pentosin 7.

John Gourley
Pomerene, AZ

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