
jason snider jason_chad at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 30 02:59:08 EST 2002

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
I think I may have figured out why I'm gettin overboost. I while back I was
gonna shim my WG spring on my '86 5ktq. But, I couldn't get the wastegate cap
off...lightly tapped it, pryed on it, pulled with all my might...but it didn't
budge. In the process, I lost one of the nuts off the top. I figured since it
was sealed tight enough that I couldn't get it off that it would be OK until I
got another nut. Could this be the reason that I am getting overboost? If it's
not that I'm thinking it's a torn WG diaphragm. Any way to test this without a
'86 5ktq

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