NAC:Fw: corrado vs 90q (now superchargers)

lester lester at
Wed Oct 30 00:24:33 EST 2002

Meant this to go to the list.
----- Original Message -----
From: lester <lester at>
To: DocWyte <josh_wyte at>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: corrado vs 90q (now superchargers)

| I agree.
| I owned a 90 G60 for almost 4 years. Purchased it used with 65K miles on
| I ran Amsoil in it from the day I got it.
| Never drove it easy, at all!!!
| Had the HP Kit on it almost the entire time I owned it.
| Actually had the dealer where I bought it do the first oil change using
| synthetic] and after about 34 miles down the interstate, racing it all the
| way, this loud alarm went off, drove to the next exit, pulled over to see
| trail off oil behind me.
| The oil drain plug was "gone".
| Dealer brought it back and after much negotiating and a lot of apologizing
| from them I was on my way with the G60.
| Point is...the original supercharger lasted for 126K miles, through all of
| this.
| Even then, it didn't blow up on me, because I noticed a slight lost in
| on the gauge, so I removed it to send it to be rebuilt at EIP Tuning.
| To make a long story shorter, EIP Tuning did not come through for me at
| and I purchased another used G60, dropped it in and sold it, in honor of
| first son being born.
| Do I wish I still had it?
| Definitely!
| I had dreams like most G60 owners of trying to get my hands on a little
| thing called the "Citorne Turmat" [SP?] which was an oversees
| "turbo-supercharger" kit. If I remember correctly the supercharger spooled
| up the turbo, and you received the best of both worlds.
| Bob
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: DocWyte <josh_wyte at>
| To: <quattro at>
| Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 11:54 PM
| Subject: Re: corrado vs 90q (now superchargers)
| | The BBNM kit whines incredibly loudly.  Way too much
| | noise considering the power output.
| |
| | The replacement turbo kits require *lots* of shakedown
| | and tweaking to get to work properly.
| |
| | The rumors of impending supercharger failure on the
| | G60 corrado's are vastly overstated, and usually by
| | people who've never even owned one.  I built a G60 GTI
| | and installed a used charger with an unknown number of
| | miles on it that leaked oil from day one.  I had the
| | "sport" 68mm pulley on it from the beginning.  It gave
| | me over 50k miles before starting to make bearing
| | noise.  I then put on another junkyard charger, again
| | unknown mileage, with the 68mm pulley and put another
| | 50k miles on it before selling the car.
| |
| | The stock G60 supercharger will give you easily more
| | than 100k miles if you take care of it properly.
| | Replacing them with a new one is a far better choice
| | than getting them rebuilt.  The rebuilds don't seem to
| | take very well...
| |
| | -josh
| |
| | =====
| | Josh Wyte
| | Momentum Motorsports
| | 508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST
| |
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