Bang! A4 battery explodes

Robert M porter_dog at
Thu Oct 31 07:24:42 EST 2002

  This is probably obvious but I'll point out just in case that the entire
area needs a _thorough_ rinsing with a baking soda/water solution.  I would
drench everythihg that had even the slightest chance of coming into contact
with electrolyte for 10-15 minutes; you'll probably still miss some areas
and they'll show up ugly over time.

  Any idea what caused it?  Sounds frightening.


>From: "Bruce Bell" <bbell at>
>Reply-To: <bbell at>
>To: <quattro at>
>Subject: Bang!  A4 battery explodes
>Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 00:15:06 -0700
>Pressed the clutch, hit the ignition an BANG! Thought I'd been shot. You
>wouldn't believe the devastation of the battery. Pieces parts everywhere.
>Car is a '98 a4 2.8q. I sure hope this is a unique experience and that the
>rest of the electrical system survives. My son tells me that after I
>disconnected the ground wire for more than 15 minutes the radio won't work
>without the codes I don't have. Do I have any other surprises to which I
>should look forward?

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