4kq no start-possesed warning lights

Tu2Tweng at aol.com Tu2Tweng at aol.com
Tue Sep 3 08:57:01 EDT 2002

In a message dated 9/2/02 8:42:20 PM, bswann at worldnet.att.net writes:

<< Well, your ignition switch is well past the normal mileage 'til failure,
that it should have been replaced at least once.

Try/check that - you can jumper the leads on the socket that plugs into the
switch in order to verify that the switch is good or bad.  Or just get
onem, as it is bound to cause intermittant problems sooner or later.  I've
chased my tail several times trying to isolate intermittant problems, only
to find it was a faulty ignition switch.  They tend to go around 150k

Ben >>

switch is fine

battery less than year old....charged it for 24 hours anyway
turned key...barely a click first try
warning lights come on with key in IS on position....but they are acting very
abnormal....oxs & Batt, on constant but pulse dim/bright...on every 5th cycle
the dim brake warning light pulses bright...temp pulses as normal but
dim....no gauge lights
everything blanks and trip resets when either headlight , emergency's , or
starter switch is activated . no power windowsat all...could this simply be a
shorted champion battery.  <<<<can these short while car is driving, and
cause car to die...

car cranked fine after it died

but elec probs set in after it wouldn't restart

TIA Brian

remember it started twice when I had it at the side of road , but died both
times as I let out clutch.

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