inspection failure due to exhaust noise???

joshua field joshua at
Wed Sep 4 13:10:14 EDT 2002

i just got back from my massachusetts inspection and i am very unhappy to
report that they wouldnt pass me due to "excessive exhaust noise".

last fall i purchased a stebro catback setup for my 1990 coupe from
2bennett- according to the
massachusetts inspector, the noise can't exceed the original equipment. they
dont even use a decibel meter... they do it by ear. i mentioned that it is
HIGHLY unlikely that they have ever heard a coupe in the first place. they
won't look at it again until i do something about it. i cant drive the car
until i get get it "fixed" because they call this a "safety failure" (did i
mention it isn't BROKEN).

so... anybody have thoughts as to a quick fix. i am not in a position to buy
an OEM setup and trash my year-old $800 install.

"Unnecessary noise is herein defined as any noise which is louder than that
emitted by the vehicle when equipped with the original manufacturer's

4.04 (b): Procedures for Inspection of Non-Commercial Motor

(5) Muffler and Exhaust System. Accelerate motor to test for prevention of
unnecessary noise and emission of any unreasonable amount of smoke. The
exhaust system, exhaust manifold(s), exhaust pipe(s), muffler(s), and
tailpipe(s), if designed to be so equipped, shall be tight and free of
leaks. System components shall be securely fastened with fasteners in place
and undamaged. All motor vehicle exhaust systems shall discharge the exhaust
beyond operator, passenger, and/or trunk compartment. Unnecessary noise is
herein defined as any noise which is louder than that emitted by the vehicle
when equipped with the original manufacturer's equipment. A gas or diesel
vehicle will be rejected if, at normal operating temperature, at any
constant speed over 15 MPH, (approximately 1,000 to 1,200 RPM's) visible
black or blue exhaust emissions are evident.

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