rekeying locks in a type 44

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Sep 4 21:39:01 EDT 2002

Any suggestions for those of us who are junkyard deprived?  Local outfits
have all gone to the operation where you buy across the counter used junk
removed by their hacks and priced at about 2/3 local new stuff (about the
same as buying from mail-order places).

At 08:04 PM 09/04/2002 +0000, Mike Arman wrote:

>Rekeying locks in a type 44 is no real big deal as long as you match them
>to the ignition switch, which IS a big deal - taking out the ignition lock
>cylinder isn't something I want to do.
>The door handles, trunk lock and glove box lock are easy.
>Here's how you do it -
>Visit a junkyard and get some lock cylinders - pick and pulls are great for
>this, since you can get all kinds of tiny bits for next to nothing. They
>don't even have to match, or be from the same model Audi as yours, because
>you are going to fix that.

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