sizzling rear rotors

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Sun Sep 8 12:49:10 EDT 2002

  Antar, and listers

  I replaced the rear rotors, calipers, pads at 207k
and the car has 231k done about a year and a half ago
allso got the "bomb" recharged by Russ at the same
 when I found the problem the first time and blead the
rears the calipers moved in easally
 and when bleeding them they clamped down on the rotor
good and I could spin the rear freely while I was
 all the suspention parts are recient as well camber
links, trap arm bushings, ect everything tight
 the brake warning light means low pressure in the
system I verified the brake warning switch works by
replacing with a new one and the brake light still
 i'd have to saie the bomb didn't give me that many
pumps and when I took the brake switch off the brake
servo no oil came out but I did pump the pedal before
I took the switch out, is this normal?
 I allso tried to take the line off that goes to the
back of the master from the resivior to see if there
was any leak from the hose but couldn't move it so
didn't tempt fait by twisting the line.
 Just came back from work and didn't notice it to hot
and the fronts are working great not to hot but what
I'd expect.
 any additional help would be great.
87 5ksq non turbo(original owner) 231k euros,white
corners,fuchs,eibach prokit,boge turbogas,strut
bar,power leather sport seat conversion from grey
MANUAL cloth
90 200tqa 210K IA stageII,2.0 bar,20V rear brake upgrade

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