Lack of Power in the 1000-3000 RPM Range

Cade Carvell ccarvell at
Tue Sep 10 16:20:14 EDT 2002

Owners manuals, what are those...;-)  This car doesn't have one, so of
course, I have to try to figure out everythin gon my own, until, I get
my hands on a bently manual.

The whirring is definetly in the front, the back one I figured was the
fuel pump, no biggie there.


Cade Carvell
National Business Systems, Inc.
Eagan, MN 55121
Office: 651-994-4400

>>> "Michael Riebs / Audi V8" <AudiV8 at> 09/10/02
03:05PM >>>
> Hello all,
> I would like to say, I am new to the Audi world.  A buddy of mine
> one, and I liked it, so I bought one too.

Congratulations, and welcome!

> Anyway, I have noticed that in the range of 1000 -> 3000 RPM, the
> seems to lack any Torque.  After the 3000 rpm It does very well.  Is
> this common, or is something out of wack?

The power comes at the above 3000Rpm range. Do you have an instruction
manual? The HP and Torque ranges are listed there. These are not
racers, that are quick off the line, but try to accellerate in passing
highway speeds, from 50 or 60 Mph to 100...   :-)

>   I also have one other question.  There seems to be a whirring
> coming from under the hood, at idle, and all speeds.  A buddy of
> told me it was either the timing belt (which is new), or the water
>  He stated that the noise is normal.  I can clearly hear that sound
> the hood closed, and the windows up.  Is this normal?  Is this
> that I should be concerned about.  I already know that the bearings
> the AC are going bad, that is slatted for next spring.  Could that
> the cause of the this whirring noise?

It could likely be the fuel pump. The often make a constant whining
but is should come from the rear, not the front.

> New proud owner of an 87 Audi Quattro with 63,000 miles.  Mint shape
> vehicle,

Michael L. Riebs
Grand Rapids, Michigan

'90 V8Q
'98 A6QA

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