Is the Cruise Control Servo/Regualtor Bad?

Cade Carvell ccarvell at
Thu Sep 12 08:48:12 EDT 2002

Great Pics...I am printing as we speak.   Never questioned the need for
the manual...Just trying to find a better then 120.00/price for it..That
seems like a lot of money.  I will probably end up buying it, very

Thanks again for the pics.

Cade Carvell
National Business Systems, Inc.
Eagan, MN 55121
Office: 651-994-4400

>>> "Paul R. Cole" <bdssprc at> 09/11/02 09:54PM >>>
On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 09:53:07 -0500, Cade Carvell wrote:

4k crusie is pretty simple-
I've included some scans of the respective manual pages.
( see WHY you want this manual)

>>1987 Audi Qauttro 4000, 62,000 miles
>Cade Carvell
>National Business Systems, Inc.
>Eagan, MN 55121
>Office: 651-994-4400

Paul R. Cole:
'84 Coupe (385k and still kicking )
'84 Coupe (SAR) , 85 Coupe parts car
'89 200TQ (WIP- waiting new engine)
'91 Coupe Quattro 20V 211,000+ mi(new daily driver)
'80 924Turbo ( Carrera  GTR specs)
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