normal operating temp on 4kq?

Brady Moffatt bradym at
Thu Sep 12 22:00:05 EDT 2002

Hi All,

I finally got around to buying a new temp gauge sender for my 86 4kq, after
almost a year of low readings on two used senders. Now, instead of barely
touching 70C, it now seems to settle around 105C. The thermostat is 87C-92C.
The fan cycles fairly frequently, but thankfully shuts off each time.

No overheating symptoms or any ominous smells or sounds.

Everything may be normal, but it's just a bit disconcerting to see the gauge
over half way up after almost a year of staring at 70C readings!


Brady Moffatt
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
86 4ksq, 295,000km
86 4ksq, 208,000km parts car
72 Datsun 240Z, 180,000 miles
In early stages of quattrosis accumulatus

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