Zimmerman Rotors

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Fri Sep 13 09:10:41 EDT 2002

I know nothing about the Zimmerman fitment, but if you find that they don't
do the job for you, good luck on getting a refund from The Parts Bin.  I've
been waiting since July for a refund on return of some parts they sold me
that were not what they advertised them to be.

At 06:05 AM 09/13/2002 -0400, Louis A. Mulieri wrote:

>         I've been trying to find low priced rear brake rotors for my 88
>5000CS Turbo Quattro Sedan and came across ThePartsBin listing Zimmerman
>rotors for only $30 (N1000-20355) or $35 (N1000-20480) each. Never heard
>of this brand. Anyone know whether they are any good? Any other
>suggestions, especially where to get used ones?
>Lou in Vermont

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