Survey: type 44 break down frequency

Ero Rademer erademer at
Tue Sep 17 12:39:20 EDT 2002


I have driven T44 from around 1989 to 1998 and all three I had
have never left me stranded on the road. All of them went up to
way over 200kmiles with only minimal maintenance before they were
sold or wrecked due to accidents.

The only things ever happened were two "0.7" strandings. One
due to my stupidity to leave the lights on while parked (battery
flat) and needing a push-start, and the second due to massively
worn spark plugs (around 80kmiles of service behind them) and a
loooong crank one morning (5 minutes) as a result.

Granted, the models were: a 1982 DR (4cyl 75hp!) and a '87 5cyl
KP engine. These had nothing much to turbos, no
electronics, no A/C, etc...

Beside this, my actual B4 hat left me on two occasions within the
last 5 years: One dead battery one week after purchase (new battery
fitted under used car warranty) one morning and a shot coil
which resulted in a tow to the next garage.

Happy drivin'!

                                   /\/ \   .--.--.    \ /
                                   \___/  (_/^I^\_)  --O--
Ero Rademer                       - - - -  ,--I--.    ...
Fraunhofer Institut fuer                  /_ _ _ _\    .
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