Survey: type 44 break down frequency

Ben Swann bswann at
Tue Sep 17 10:49:56 EDT 2002


I recently made a trip from MD to FLA and back with local jaunts between
Orlando and Miami in between for several weeks with my family.  I was a
little nervous on this, as I had just rebuilt the engine, and had not
worked out all of the kinks.

I did have to tighten some fittings, and kept a good check on things
throughout the trip.  I made sure I carried an arsenal of tools (I have one
kit that if need be, could basically pull the engine out) and other things
such as hose bandage and wire/connectors.  I really didn't have to use any
of this, 'cept for some oil drips, but had some peace of mind in the trunk.

If you think about it, the long highway cruises are less stressful than
daily short trips, or worse getting stuck in Beltway jams on a hot day.

Yeah, the little stuff breaks, I usually carry some spare relays, a window
switch, and start out with everything working.  Then I may have a thing or
so to address when I get home.

Moral - be prepared.  I'd do this in a new car as well as an old one.


[Glad you made it back with it still running, Geo. Good luck tracking the
problem down... maybe just a dying battery, or high quiescent current (i.e.
power off drain)?

Guess I'm glad to hear that other folks don't have as many break-downs as I
do... maybe I'm still just paying back for the PO's "deferred maintenace."
being a lightning rod for you, Zsolt, and Kneale. ;) (I'm sure there are
other lightning rods out there.)

I can live with the non-stranding issues like A/C, window switches, even
brake judder I need to look into (probably bushings). I'm just wondering
often I might keep using that free towing in the future...

- Wallace
  '87 5kcstq 190k]

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