Headlight Repair

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 17 16:11:26 EDT 2002

Go to a professional auto body supply place.  There
are systems to effectively repair almost ALL types of
plastic.  They can advise you of the correct method
for that type.  It MIGHT involve "plastic welding".
Maybe you can find a body shop (probably the largest,
nicest, most well equipped one in your area to do this
for you.  I've used several different systems to avoid
paying really high replacement costs on various
plastic parts with good results.  One product won't
work for all types of plastic.

JIm Accordino

--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Has anyone successfully repaired the upper headlight
> mounts for eurolights?
> I know this sounds like a question specific to my
> 200q,
> but I know that the UrS headlamps use the same
> stupid
> design- if you're not careful, it's easy to snap off
> the
> cantilevered plastic top mounts of the headlamps.
> I need to find an epoxy adhesive or something
> similar
> that can bond this plastic, as well as a suitable
> chunk
> of plastic that I can bond to the top of the
> headlamp in
> order to use the OEM headlamp mount screw to hold it
> in place.
> Any suggestions as to how to best accomplish this?
> I went to the FLAPS and the best I could find was 3M
> plastic
> trim adhesive- the epoxies I've found all
> specifically said
> they don't work with polyethylene or polypropylene
> plastics,
> one of which I believe the headlamp housing to be,
> unless it's
> some sort of glass-impregnated nylon composite.
> Taka

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