FW: 1990 200 TQA problems

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Mon Sep 23 12:55:37 EDT 2002

> Great car.but I have a few problems.
> 1. low beam headlights do not work.(Parking and high lights work)
> fuses are okay (2 10amp)any relays?
Very likely the combi switch in the steering column (where you turn the
lights on).  I don't know if the 90's were relayed, but earlier models were
not which put the whole current for the lights through the switch and burns
them out.  You need a new switch.  Apparently you can take them apart (need
to drill out rivets) but you better be mechanically inclined or parts will
go flying all over the place.
> 2. Coolant temp gauge doesnt work. maybe sending unit? if so is there any
> way to trouble shoot?
> if it is bad where is it located?
Again a very common failure.  There is a multifunction temp switch on the
drivers side of the engine where a large coolant hose goes into the block.
the sender is under the connection and failure is common.  I suggest buying
a new one.

> thanks for all your help!
> This is a great site..
> z bogiem
Congrats on your new purchase. Have fun.


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