Uneven pad wear + monkeylad-(d)ing

tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca tihol_tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Thu Sep 26 12:32:12 EDT 2002

> I have just finished installing a new set of pads and rotors. The pads
> replaced were a  four month old set of Mintex Red Box.
> What I found was the inner pad on the passenger side worn down to
>probably sticking guide pins, which will stop the
>caliper from "floating" in a centered position on the rotor, instead
>causing it to ride in a fixed position, whihc will wear only one pad.

This would explain the worn down inner pad, not the outer

>You might be able to dismantle, clean, relube, and perhaps replace >the
rubber booties to fix it.  otherwise, it's new caliper time.

Just new (or junkyard used) bracket and pins.  Or you can get medieveal on
those pins and torture them until they give up - heat them, twist them and
if they break, drill them out and replace the pins only.  BTDT - drilling
went a little out of hand, so the hole on the braket was brought close to
spec with a little silicone.  This was awhile back - 4-5 years, still


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