mixture adjustment

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 29 06:22:15 EDT 2002


  I've run into a problem with my 87 5ksq non turbo
2.3 lit NF that starts like this,
 Last week while going to friends house my car died
while doing like 50mph no responce i tried to floor it
but the tach & speedometer came down at the same time
  the tach didn't just drop when this happened it
still showed 3k when the speedomiter showed like 40mph
and so on down till I coasted to a stop at the side of
road. Again it felt like I had no power.
 Waited a few minutes and the car started so I went
back home and thats where the car sat till a few day's
 i thought that it was the fuel pump so I ordered one
replaced it allong with the relay,
 after that the car fired up no problem but a few
day's after that I started to experiance a long
cranking till the car started thing and the car was
running like crap,
so I pulled the codes and got 2341 Oxygen sensor
 it was allso raining like a mother the past 2 day's
from the storm in the Southern part of the East Coast
 i live in Mass
 so after doing a few checks I replaced the 02 sensor
but the car is still running like crap everything else
is curant cap/rotor, plugs/wires, fuel/air filters,
all hoses are fine, ect.
 Now I try and start the car and it won't stay started

 I turn the key and the RPM shoots up to like 2k on
the tach and then dies
after like 20 times of this it will catch and idle
around 200 car shaking I can allso hear a poping kinda
sound from under the black fuel distibutor boot while
i'm trieng to feather the gas pedal.
 I've had the mixture done before last summer
 cause I couldn't figure it out but it's the same
symtoms as last year.
 Can anyone explaine to me how to change the mixture?
and is it a 3mm or 4mm allen wrench?
 Any info out there?

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