'85 3B coupe quattro IC options?

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Mon Sep 30 15:33:26 EDT 2002

Thanks to all of you guys for your answers,

Unfortunately I have to keep the hood latch because it's mandatory for
technical inspections here in Belgium... so even though Marc's Isuzu NPR IC
seems to me one of the best available options, it's impossible for me to
duplicate the setup... :-(((



At 08:16 30/09/2002 -0400, Marc Swanson wrote:

>Sorry I'm jumping in on this a little late..
>I'm VERY happy with my Isuzu NPR diesel IC setup.  No matter how hard I
>hammer on the car the intake temps stay nice and cool.  And as a major
>bonus, it all fits behind the stock grille!
>here are some pics of test fitting:
>and here are some pics after re-welding one of the outlets to point
>straight down (needed to clear the turbo):
>and an updated pic of the car with the hood (finally!) painted:
>Marc Swanson, Software Engineer
>Sonitrol Communications Corp.
>Hartford, CT
>Email: mswanson at sonitrol.net
>Phone: (860) 616-7036
>Pager: (860) 948-6713
>  Cell: (603) 512-1267
>   Fax: (860) 616-7589

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