Radiator stop-leak? Restore is better

scott thomas scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com
Mon Sep 30 12:50:34 EDT 2002

I've used the aluminum stuff, as well as the heavy duty copper flake
stuff. I don't like 'em. I've had clean cooling systems and they've
clogged my Audi radiators. Could be due to smaller passages than in
American cars. I'll stay away from the pellets made by Bars/Prestone.
Bar's does make the tablet kind that can be powdered. That's alot
safer, but my pick is radiator Restore. You only need like 1/4 can
for our cars. Recently, is saved my ass. I developed a leak in my
metal radiator tank on my way to Iowa. Couldn't find it, but was
adding very small amounts of coolant. Anyhow, two days after I come
back home, I see it and saw that the 1/4 can of Restore was sealing a
BIG hole pretty well, or at least as well as something can. Anyhow,
it's pretty safe and cheap. I like that only a small amount is needed
and it doesn't ruin water pumps. It stays in suspension, unlike the
metal stuff. OH YEAH- The metal flake stuff will coat the inside of
your overflow, so imagine what it can do to the rough, porous
cylinder head...

If you have a serous leak, the way to go is to use K&W's Block Seal
in the metal can. I really do support K&W's products because they do
work, unlike alot of other companies. Anyhow, it's that cement type
sealer. You have to run plain water...Like 100%. Pour the sealer in.
It usually works right away, but you caqn drive for a day or two.
I've run a couple of months with it, but it's harsh on water pumps.
Next, fully drain the ENTIRE cooling system, but don't flush with
water yet. If you can lightly blow it out with a shop vac, that's
good. You don't want to wash out the not yet cured patch. You must
wait at least 24 hours before letting it see coolant. Apparantly,
coolant attacks the patch while wet. Once set, rinse the engine, pour
the coolant in and your done. I've had the best result using a mild
sealer to maintain the patch.

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