HP Valve Springs breaking?

Scott Fisher sfisher71 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 8 10:08:14 EDT 2003

--- Grant Wills <grant_wills at hotmail.com> wrote:
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> I do agree with you, but the person that I bought
> them from said that he does
> not think that he should not even give me my money
> back for the valve springs.
> Also, I asked him for the name of the manufacture
> and he would not give it to
> me so I am waiting to see what people think I should
> do.

I think the guy who sold you the valve springs and now
won't even tell you the name of the manufacturer
should have the broken springs returned in such a way
that he walks funny until his proctologist removes

--Scott Fisher
  Tualatin, Oregon

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