Tire Rack Rant

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri Aug 1 00:13:36 EDT 2003

"Nate Stuart" <newt at newtsplace.com> writes:

> Would it really have been so hard to give him the make/model/year of
> your car? What harm could giving him more info than he really needed

> Get off your horse and just answer a 2 second question. If he still
> gives you a 'tude then hang up. It took you longer to tell him about
> friends car than it would have to probably complete the damn order.

Or you can just push a few keys while on their website and order anything
you want, without the human interface that seems to annoy some more than

My experience with the Tire Rack has been very good, when I bought tires
for the V8Q, they were not listed on the V8Q pull down menus, ordered
them by size with no problems.  They were the deal of the decade, $44
each for Z rated Yokos...no they don't have anymore, V8Q listers made
sure of that. ;-)

Bought a set of pricey rims (cheapest price was the TR) to ship overseas,
again, ordered on their website with no problems, don't even recall
punching in a vehicle application.

Isn't the TR an Audifans sponsor?  Is it really appropriate to badmouth
the place over such a trivial matter on the very list it helps support?
It's not as if they offer a bad product or deceptive practices, to the
contrary.  IMHO

This seems to be a recurring theme, this over reaction to life's petty
little annoyances.


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