FA/EKTA woes

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat Aug 2 17:42:14 EDT 2003

If you can see the opening screen, the secret is to select "VW and Audi",
the first icon, then "start EPC".  If you select just "Audi" it will give
you the hardlock error.

I installed rev. 6.1 on my XP system without changing any of the


"David Balbirona" <dbalbirona at hotmail.com> writes:
> Question: Can't get the FA to run.  I am receiving an error stating
> "hardcheck not found".  I am pretty sure that is the error.  It has
> been
> about a week since I installed & tried to run the program.  I did
> run the
> hardcheck executable but this simply hangs the system (running XP)
> with
> almost 100% CPU usage.  Does the hardcheck need to be installed or
> copied to
> a specific directory or path?  Getting this running will help to get
> the P/N
> for the various parts I will be looking for down the road.
> Thanks again.
> --David Balbirona
> Renton, WA

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