still no spark
ben swann
benswann at
Sun Aug 3 22:24:52 EDT 2003
With serious internet latency problem ongoing I reply..
The pin I noted in the pics IS NOT THE SAME as the MC configuration,
which consists of two pins to provide a reference "window".
I have been speculating that the sensor means used by the earlier MAC-
07 is different. This talk of TDC reference pin does not jive with
anything from the MAC-11. THe pin configuration used on an NG flywheel
does jive with the MAC-11 configuration even though it is not employed
in the NG CIS-E3 system - that flywheel would work fine with MAC-11 as
200 and/or 5000 tq flywheel works fine on NG/CIS-E3. I am into this
right now, 'cept pins have been deleted from the 200 flywheel installed
on the NG engine - runs fine(except for unrelated issues).
I have no real info on how the earlier system works, but do recall some
of these systems used a TDC sensor located on top of the trans. and not
off to the side. Perhaps ECU/system compensated for degrees of offset -
I just don't know, but..
Luke - I suggest you should have a complete reference manual available
on how the FI/Ignition system is for your application. I hope you
don't need to pull the engine out, but best to determine before
investing too much more time and mental energy, not to mention $$$$.
[From: "luke" <maytagasm at>
To: "Jim Green" <jeg1976 at>, <quattro at>
Subject: Re: still no spark
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 10:42:54 -0400
is the PIN the same on the KH to late MC?
that is the question...
i know it was sent to a machine shop to have
material removed, pin installed and balanced...
so shouldnt it be right?
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