Was:Valvoline MaxLife woes (long), now crankcase ventilation

luke maytagasm at sympatico.ca
Wed Aug 6 20:24:19 EDT 2003

Certainly wouldnt be the first time :)
now lets see if i can get that cat off of the down pipe...
hmmm.... my last engine died from being too lean...
guess that O2 sensor isnt helping...
and i need a blow off valve... who needs a
charcoal canister?
i AM planning on putting a catchtank in...
but man... face the facts... humans will destroy
the earth sooner or later... its just the way we
are... lemmings... eat all the grass then jump off the cliff.
btw. entropy cannot be reversed.
why not speed it along?

(only half serious...)
luke (anything but an eco warrior)

>Personally, I believe what you're doing/advocating is illegal,
> socially irresponsible, and flat out wrong.  But that's just my opinion, I
> could be wrong ...............    John
> "btw i hate how audi recycles blowby
> back into the air boot... covering all the intake
> plumbing with oil... i just use an open filter
> at the crankcase and another at the valve
> cover...
> i want a catch tank though... like jim green's"
> luke

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