Solex carburators

Andrew Buc abuc at
Wed Aug 6 21:40:06 EDT 2003

** Reply to message from Brett Dikeman <brett at> on Wed, 6 Aug 2003
23:27:18 -0400

> Perhaps one option to give consideration to would be single-point
> injection, like TBI.

You reminded me that I have an article lying around on converting an MGB to
TBI, "From SU to Bosch" in Aug. 1995 _British Car_. No, I was never masochistic
enough to own a British car, but I found the article interesting. I just dug
the article out--having the filing cabinet right next to the computer is good!

Richard, if you want to shoot me a mailing address, I'll xerox it for you. It's
the 2nd article of 2. You could ask your public library to do an interlibrary
photocopy for part 1.

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